Monday, August 25, 2014

Houston TX Carpet Cleaning

24 Hour Carpets Cleaner Services Houston Texas

Carpet vacuuming isn't nearly enough. A carpet or rug can hold literally pounds of dirt before it ever even starts to look dirty. Our Houston Carpet Cleaning Service techniques are certified by the Carpet and Rug Institute. And we use 5 different professional cleaning methods, all approved by the Carpet and Rug Institute.

Our Services:

Cheap Carpet Cleaning 
Wine Stain Removal 
Restretching Carpet
Dog Urine Stain Removal 
Furniture Steam Cleaning 
Leather Sofa Cleaning 
Persian Rug Cleaning 
Oriental Rug Cleaning 
Cleaning Rugs 

24 Hour Houston TX Upholstery Cleaning

Upholstery fabric left unattended for a long time or improperly cleaned once can not only grow harmful germs but also provide a stale look to your living environment. There are instances where the accumulated dirt starts to stink. Dirty or stained upholstery is certainly one way to ruin the look of whole room Upholstered furniture has unique properties which may require special handling skills.  


  1. this can be performed by a strong and effective machine called the truck mounted carpet extractor. These extractors square measure powered by the vehicle or their own engines, for more information click here upholstery cleaning sewell.

  2. It was gobsmacked blog! This work is kinda unique with others, my friends must see this. I will tell it when we have time for sofa cleaning.
